“GCR Up-Date, Up-Lift” – One Who Believes – 11.10.16

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“GCR Up-Date, Up-Lift” – One Who Believes – 11.10.16

6:31:00 PM  Emailed, OWB, Thoughts
Entry Submitted by One Who Believes at 3:12 PM EST on November 10, 2016

GCR Up-Date, Up-Lift

I have got a change in date for the GCR. This is NOT by Intel from Special contacts or the GURUS I follow, but instead by my own “Feeling” system. As I mentioned in a prior post, when I check for a date or check if certain information is true or not, I can only sense the answer based on the current moment. Then if things change, then information such as the date will change and the prior date will no longer be true.

Regarding The President

As an update to my prior information I still “Feel” that Yosef is right that there will be a change in president and it won’t be Trump. Here is Yosef’s latest post which I find very enlightening and frankly a genius plan. It keeps Obama and Biden from “Publicly Resigning” while at the same time it moves Ryan into the Presidential position without elections.

Here is the Post:

“The Election Lie” – Republic Update – Wednesday – November 9, 2016

It may seem wrong for Ryan to be president without a presidential election, but to be fair, he was elected “Speaker of the House” and as such, he is authorized to be President in the event of Loosing the President and Vice President for whatever reason. So his position qualifies him to be President under certain circumstances. So, according to Yosef’s post, expect the “Certain Circumstances” to occur by January 20, 2017.

To be frank, I would love to see Hillary, Bill, Obama, Biden, and the rest of them go down in the most embarrassing way, with the bonus of a Perp walk. However, I can see how people were crying about Hillary losing and I realized that they have no idea what is really going on and that as a result they have to be handled carefully. They are so hopelessly ignorant as to what is really going on that it is easier to let their “Heroes” like the first Black President, ride off in to the sunset, than it would be to face their ignorant wrath if we take him down. All I can say for those who get the easy out, is that you are lucky the masses don’t know what we know or you would be toast already.

My New GCR Date

I don’t know what changed with the plan, but I am now getting a new date. As I mentioned, I can only get a Date based on what is true in the moment, but if things change, then the date changes. Something has changed with the plan and I am now getting a new date. It was definitely a go for the 9th or 10th, but now I get Saturday the 12th. The way It works is I get a date by checking for each day until I get a “Hit,” and now the hit is Saturday. Once I get the Date, then I rationalize why it could be that date and with that in mind, I have a few possible reasons that it changed.

#1) If Hillary had won, there would be the fraud charges and other crimes brought to light right away causing much more of a public/media issue. That would be a good cover for the GCR. However, since Trump won, it seems weirdly quiet, like everyone is in shock. There is no special coverage and the normal TV programs aired Wednesday without interruption. I think that was a bit to quiet to cover the GCR. Also, the reason I think that Hillary didn’t demand a vote recount, is because it would reveal all the vote fraud they themselves perpetrated. So they took their loss without a fight. This might have been why the Date changed from going on the 9th or the 10th.

#2) Another good rational reason for it going on Saturday, is that Saturday is the only day in the week, that is a week-end day where the markets and banks are closed everywhere in the World. On Sunday (Saturday night for us) the Middle east goes to work as it is their first business day of the week. So I like Saturday for that reason.

#3) Another reason that Saturday the 12th makes rational sense is because it is a 3-day Holiday weekend for us. “They” always said that a 3-day week end would be the best time for it to start. However, Friday is the start of the weekend, but maybe that gives them a day to reset the rates before we go on Saturday?

#4) Finally the best reason that it MUST go soon, is that we have an agreement with 209 nations that this MUST GO NOW. Remember, all these other countries are waiting to enjoy the wealth of the GCR in their countries, and I am sure they are Pressuring the US to get going. So for this reason, since our election issue is now over, I expect it to go this week(end).

Note also, that just because I think that it will go on Saturday doesn’t mean it won’t go tonight, or tomorrow. First, things could change again, and/or I might just be wrong. So these dates I am giving you are just my best guesses in the “name the GCR date” game.

Some Other Reasons For Changing Dates

We know that the Good Guys are aware of just about every move the Cabal can or will make. They have a counter move for each and based on that they have a plan when this GCR will get started. However, just because they have a counter move for every Cabal move, doesn’t mean that surprises might not delay it from time to time. Frankly we know that it has been tried over 300 times so far, and each time some other Cabal move delayed it. Didn’t stop it, as they can’t stop it, but it was delayed.

I came across this interesting Intel update about what the Cabal was doing recently, which may or may not have caused it to be delayed a few days. The part of this post that I really Like is the Mass arrests have started. It also explains why Obama and Biden were at the White House making their speeches about Trump.

Kent Dunn Gives us a Prospective of Possibilities it seems May Be taking Place.

It Is Ready To Go

So considering the Intel from Bruce that there have been HUGE amounts of money moving into place every day, and all the other get ready type Intel, coupled with the Paris Treaty Breathing down their necks, it is a MUST GO now. Frankly it has to go so that the NESARA can get started, and then Disclosure, etc, etc. Also, the Presidential Race is no longer a reason to delay, and I think that everything that needs to be done is done. Now it is only a matter of the best day/weekend to launch it. I think (Feel) that day is this Saturday the 12th.

The Bottom Line

The bottom line is that we are on a wild ride that has a final destination that is already planned. It seems like the more we learn, the more the random seeming events turn out to be well planed events. We will arrive at the GCR, but that is not really an end, but instead it is just the beginning of revelation after revelation, new technology after new technology, every day for the rest of our lives. It is not a Final Place, but instead a starting place for the Whole World. This is a CERTAINTY, and it is past time for it to start.

Let’s keep our energy in this matter light and happy. We can’t be told the EXACT Date by the ones who are running the plan and we know it, but we can guess all we want, and remain excitedly expectant until it is go time.

May You Get Everything You Want and Live The Life Of Your Dreams

Signed: One Who Believes

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