



There is a GNOSTIC ILLUMINATI that is on THE LIGHT side. That deals with the BENEVOLENT BEING. But SATANISTS COPY everything that HEAVEN does and TWISTS it and makes it EVIL to SUIT = THEIR EVIL NEEDS.



BUT what is “THE TRUTH!”



Tom Quiggin! The Truth is That Your Government is Lying to You! – From the expert on terrorism!

2.39K subscribers

– A former senior fellow at S Rajaratnam school of International Studies at Nanyang Technological University – Tom has 30 plus years of practical intelligence experience in a variety of positions including the

– Royal Canadian Mounted Police

– Bank of Canada

– Canadian Armed Forces

– United Nations Protection Force in Yugoslavia

– Citizenship and Immigration Canada ( War Crimes )

– International War Crimes Tribunal for former Yugoslavia ( The Hague )

– Privy Council Office Of Canada 

In addition Tom was Qualified Arms Inspector for the Conventional Forces In Europe Treaty and Vienna Document – A Court Appointed Authority, Thomas Quiggin (M.A,C.D) is a Court Qualified Expert on Terrorism (Criminal Court and Federal Court) and Intelligence and Collection of Evidence in Federal Court. – The “Quiggin Report” A Podcast about Counter Terrorism, Islamic Extremism, Freedom of Speech and The Global Intelligence Community – Operation Switch Kill Tom Quiggin is the primary contributor to the QUIGGIN REPORT which is a podcast on intelligence, free speech, extremism and terrorism. He is a court qualified expert on terrorism (criminal court and Federal Court) and has also had his expertise on intelligence and evidence recognized by the Federal Court. He spent fifteen years in the Canadian Armed Forces and worked for six years for the RCMP as an intelligence contractor. He has also worked for the Privy Council Office in an intelligence position. Other intelligence roles have included the Bank of Canada, the United Nations Protection Force in Yugoslavia, Citizenship and Immigration Canada (War Crimes) and the International War Crimes Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia (The Hague). He was the lead author on the recent book SUBMISSION: The Danger of Political Islami to Canada (With a Warning to America). It was co-authored with Saied Shoaaib, Tahir Gora, Jonathon Cotler and Rick Gill. He has also testified to a Senate Committee on intelligence matters (The Kelly Commission, 1998); the Air India Inquiry (2007) as well as providing testimony to the Special Senate Committee on Anti-terrorism (2010) and to the House of Commons on 25 March and 28 May 2015. He was a Senior Fellow at S. Rajaratnam School of International Studies at the Nanyang Technological University, Singapore where he worked on a number of intelligence research project. While there, he published a book on national security intelligence requirements. Please check out latest episodes of The Quiggin Report Podcast and leave us a review. Apple Podcasts http://itunes.apple.com/ca/podcast/qu… SoundCloud http://www.soundcloud.com/quigginreport Stitcher Radio http://www.stitcher.com/podcast/quigginreport Google Play https://play.google.com/music/m/Ijozs… Spotify https://open.spotify.com/show/2qNLS66… Connect With us. Twitter: @QuigginReport Gab.ai: @QuigginReport Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/quigginreport Help Us Fight Back http://www.OperationKillSwitch.com

Canadian Minister of Defense on UFO Disclosure


Aliens could share more tech with us, if we warmonger less’ – Former Canada Defense Minister

JAN 2020

This page is designed for the NEWBIES as to WHAT and WHY the TRUTH[S] were hidden by the SATANIC CIA MAFIA’S on the evil side – the 6 – tv/radio PUBLIC media Corporations [paid liars] that were secretly mind-controlling and hiding the TRUTHS from humanity = CIA = Project Mockingbird.

NEVER BELIEVE the TV WAR and FEAR PROPAGANDA until we ARREST the LIARS. THE ONE who will TELL the TRUTH the most in the west and tell you that THE MEDIA is LIES and “FAKE NEWS” is Mr. DONALD TRUMP.

What is Operation Mockingbird? (CIA Media control)

Operation Mockingbird CIA Media Manipulation

Operation Mockingbird – How the media controls what we think and feel

WAKING-UP to the TRUTH that YOU have been lied to about absolutely EVERYTHING can be easy or hard depending on circumstances, but ALL will KNOW the truth eventually to make sure that EARTH [TERRA] and it’s inhabitants are NEVER messed with again by the EVIL DARK FORCES. It is a SLAP to the personal EGO to the 3Dimensionally minded. This is why the are usually verbally attack THE AWAKENED ONES as it is hard for them to comprehend that their so-called [secretly SATANICALLY MAFIA ran] Governments could conspire to LIE through their TEETH to HUMANITY and desire to keep them “IN THE DARK” so to speak. When you actually FIND-OUT that 2/3 of AMERICAN and CANADIAN GOVERNMENT OFFICIALS are CLONED hiding inter-dimensional criminals and intergalactic entities – it all sounds so bizzare to some people that they TRY to LABEL the “AWAKE and AWARE ONES” – as INSANE. WHY ? Because they have all been indoctrinated through CIA PROJECT mockingbird = IN OTHER WORDS – “BRAINWASHED and MIND-CONTROLLED” INTO BELIEVING EVERYTHING that their ‘TELEVISIONS” TELL THEM. WHEN STUCK IN A 3RD DIMENSIONAL MIND-CONSTRUCT one IS used to formed opinions and “limited belief’s”

BUT the AWAKE and AWARE and the “WHITE HATS” and the AWAKE MILITARIES know all about THE CLONING, the VRIL LIZARDS, the REPTILIANS, DRACO’S and ALIEN GREYS on the EVIL SATANIC SIDE. And they are ARRESTING them and that is to PROTECT the HUMAN RACES from further DEATH and DESTRUCTION and this PLANET/SPACESHIP form further destruction because of them and their GREED and EVIL WAYS.


OPENING ONE’S MIND instead of calling highly intelligent and KNOWLEDGABLE SOULS “CRAZY” or “OFF their ROCKER is a good place to start. Just because you were NOT told the TRUTH or KNOW who runs the world etc does NOT give you the right to label everyone else as CRAZY. MOST people get ANGRY when they first wake-up that THEY WERE LIED to, their entire lives – WE UNDERSTAND that and ask that you stay calm. It is a NORMAL human reaction to get upset or think that you “KNEW IT ALL” and insult others etc. But that is just the 3D EGO that thinks it knows everything etc. WE KNOW this too. This is a QUICK way of EDUCATING YOURSELVES and get up to speed, so to speak, get out of the MATRIX PROGRAM and let go of it. YOU will learning some things that will NOT only BLOW your MIND but make you MORE INFORMED.

When an individual is MORE INFORMED of real TRUTHS – you can make much better decisions for your FUTURE

It would be best if you make yourselves a LARGE cup of COFFEE or a STIFF DRINK if you feel you need to and watch some of these video’s below. EVEN by watching these few video’s – YOU will be ahead of the rest and a little bit more open-minded as to what is actually been going-on and some TRUTHS that YOU are searching for individually.

THESE are the things that YOU NEED to KNOW but were NEVER TOLD….,

According to the GALACTICS = LIGHT is INFORMATION and DARKNESS is LACK of information. WE also know from BEing DIVINE BEINGS that PURE DIVINE LIGHT from source [GOD/HEAVEN/SPIRIT] whatever you call your CREATOR is LOVE. ALL Humans are connected spiritually to their CREATOR and consciously to each other.

MEANING = ALL RACISM and RELIGIOUS DIVISION has to stop, you are all connected through your spiritual aspects.

When you are FULLY AWAKE , not just WOKE as [the newer awakened ones call it,] but YOU WILL notice your “BROTHER’S and SISTER’S” still STUCK in the 3D mindset and thinking by WHAT they WATCH one TV and what they “PARROT” back to you through the CHURCH GROUPS. FAKE NEWS – is making it’s rounds to the PEOPLE.

BUT the GALACTICS, MYSELF and HEAVEN = wants the absolute TRUTH told to HUMANITY of what these EVIL SOULS were doing to us so that IT NEVER HAPPENS AGAIN. WE want “FULL DISCLOSURE” to educate for protection. SO humans NEVER become too COMPLACENT again – SO THIS NEVER HAPPENS again on this planet.

MEANWHILE our PLANET/SHIP TERRA is wizzing through SPACE after is was trapped by the EVIL FORCES. Which explains the astroids etc and other “HAPPENINGS”

They FIRST thing YOU MUST learn is that there are thousands of extra-terrestrail races or BEINGS, they are usually called. MOST in SPACE are BENEVOLENT, however there are ROGUE evil BEINGS that CAPTURE PLANETS and BEINGS – I call them them the “UNINVITED INVADERS” or the “SPACE PIRATES” which is APPROPRIATE – as it is. Some are PURE EVIL

HAVE you ever seen the MOVIE “THEY LIVE?”

In this movie they show they ADROMEDAN’S as the DEAD HUMANS but it shows the mind-control in another context BUT it gives you a CLUE as to “DEAD BEINGS” that you cannot SEE that were controlling humans, which is WHAT was going-on – on our planet by the Fallen Angels/SATANIC CIA and the DRACO REPTILIANS – the REPTILIANS were the ones LYING to us all.

IN reality however – it was the ANDROMEDAN BEINGS of the LIGHT that STOPPED HUMAN TRAFFICKING of HUMANS being STOLEN – OFF of our PLANET to be used as FOOD/SLAVES and SEX SLAVES to the elites that were being taken to “OTHER PLANETS” against their “FREE WILL” kidnapped !

Over 8 years ago our SPACE FRIENDS the “ANDROMEDANSstopped human meat and human sex trafficking of women/men and children to other planets.

WE THANK-THANK-YOU very much as that was “NOT ALLOWED!”



WHO are WE and WHY are WE HERE ?



Awakening The Human Angels: The Holy Grails


BENEVOLENT PLEIADIANS = are here to HELP with military, education and ascension etc. OUR EARTH MILITARY GOOD GUYS are now working with GOOD GUYS PLEIADIAN and other BENEVOLENT BEINGS to help HUMANITY fight back and take back the POWER and CONTROL of Earth.

Wake up Call For The Family of Light (TRIGGER) ~Starseeds Awaken~

Mar 24, 2012
2.55K subscribers
I would love to continue sharing my knowledge, building our groups and continuing in showing people we as a species should and can do much better, but I refuse to pimp myself or our groups out the way social media creators now need to do in order to remain relevant/visible. With that said group funding has dried up and we are under assault on every front these days making it hard enough to just exist, let alone expand, grow, and so on. The world at the moment simply cannot handle the truth. We must be patient.


WE are here to STOP the MURDER/ABUSE and MANIPULATION of HUMANS by EVIL FORCES and WE have a heck of a lot of HELP from many different EXTRA-TERRESTIAL “beings” from the PLEAIDES the 7 sisters planets that are mentioned in the BIBLE. There are OTHER BEINGS out there that came to earth to help us to WAKE-UP and to TAKE BACK our POWER and CONTROL of this planet we reside on. MANY BEINGS form HEAVEN are HERE that have reincarnated onto the EARTH for many reasons at this point in time and one is for the ASCENSION of CONSCIOUSNESS of the HUMAN RACE. To guide you, educate you and train you – exactly HOW to take back your POWER and EVOLVE as your DIVINE RIGHT to ASCEND. This is THE HARVEST of SOULS who have completed their 3D “DUALITY LESSONS” on [SPIRITUAL LESSONS] the 3 DIMENSIONAL EARTH PLANE. WE are also here to TRAIN your MILITARY on how to FIGHT these EVIL BEINGS that INVADED this planet EONS ago as a DIVINE EXPERIMENT was going-on. MY mission was to “SAVE THE CHILDREN” & educate the MILITARY to ARREST these intergalactic WANTED CRIMINALS who – self-elected themselves to RULE through FALSE and RIGGED ELECTIONS. President TRUMP is helping humanity with Executive orders for the ARRESTS. RUSSIA/PUTIN and CHINA/ and USA are CHOSEN as the 3 TRIDENTS that are helping also with ARRESTS and guiding our planet back-up the HIGHER DIMENSIONS.

The 3WAVES of VOLUNTEERS = are here NOW to help humanity transition

THE “LIGHT FORCES” SAINTS and MASTERS plus the 144,000 thousand in your Bibles and the SAINTS and DISCIPLES from HEAVEN in your BIBLE are either reincarnated here on the planet and/or in the light ships and light cities to HELP HUMANITY.

To wake you up and Guide you etc. And to carry out their DIVINE MISSIONS

WE are in CLEAN-UP MODE on this planet. BANKSTERS and POLITICIANS and CEO’S of BILLION DOLLAR CORPORATIONS will be ARRESTED for LIES, THEFT and MURDER of the HUMAN RACES, THOSE you TRUSTED the MOST wanted to MASS-MURDER 90% of HUMANITY and they wanted nuclear WORLD WAR 3, which they are STILL trying to push forward. IT WILL NEVER HAPPEN HERE.


EARTH – TERRA & HUMANITY broke through the 3rd DIMENSION and into the 4th Dimension in APRIL 2019. ScHUMANn Resonance [Light Frequency] is off the Charts.

The 4th Dimension is also known as the UNDERWORLD to HEAVENLY higher dimensions. 3Dimensional lessons of duality are fading-out.

Humanity was NEVER meant to STARVE be ABUSED or SUFFER. That is the NEGATIVE programming of the DARK forces use for control in churches etc.

WE are evolving as a HUMAN RACE back up into the “HIGHER DIMENSIONS”

EVERY 26,000 – HEAVEN comes for the HARVEST of SOULS that are ready to ascend. WE are ASCENDING with our PHYSICAL human bodies, it has never been done before. Other extra-terrestials are here to EXPERIENCE the ASCENSION PROCESS.

2019 – THE LIGHT WON the SPACE WARS – battling over control of Earth.

Dec 21 2019 – Marked the end of the 7 year TRIBULATION in the BIBLE.

JAN 15 2020 so far the light FORCES and Earth MILITARY = WE HAVE already ARRESTED – 168,000 = EVIL BEINGS, most are also intergalactic CRIMINALS.

HEAVEN stated many years ago that WORLD WAR 3 will NEVER happen on this planet as it KILLS HUMAN and ANIMAL LIVES and DESTROYS the PLANET and the DIMENSIONAL ASPECTS of this PLANET and other PLANETS etc.

TEAM EVIL as I will label them is BASICALLY being arrested and leaving the POWER CENTRES on the planet [which they self-elected themselves for]




WE WILL have a NEW BANKING SYSTEM called the QFS = Quantum Financial System which the GALACTICS use on the planets that were taken over by the DARK FORCES. It is fast, based on spiritual energies and cannot be manipulated by evil or have your money stolen.


World Bank Scandal & JFK killed over Gold Backed Dollars – Karen Hudes

‘Homo Capensis’ rules the world Karen Hudes

Network of Global Corporate Control12 3 19

Dec 4, 2019
28.5K subscribers

I am always under attack, but the Coalition for the Rule of Law and the Critical Mass are protecting me. As you have learned, we are all in this together. My prefrontal cortex is what you are hearing. We are “created equal” with the same basic brain hardware used by Jesus, Buddha, Muhammad, Moses, Lao Tzu and all the saints and sages throughout the ages, as they taught us about our inalienable transcendent potential. Like them, we have all the “right stuff” built into our brain simply waiting for a spark to ignite the awakening. Gregg is misusing and mislabeling a graphic. This graphic is showing the Black Nobility. It is this hierarchy that we are fighting: the World Monarch and the Crown Council of 11 and the Committee of 100 and the Central Banks and the corporations, who claim that they run the world and do not. So who is we? At the head is our creator, who created us with a Godly brain. Our spirituality? We are spiritual. We are leaving this topic, our spirituality, until after we have cleared the world from the corrupt money system. This is necessary because the Black Nobility is misusing our spirituality to divide and conquer us. Gregg mixes some truth with dangerous lies, in this case Gregg is trying to say that I think 98% of religion on earth is not good. I do not think that at all. Gregg is controlled opposition trying to confuse us. This attack is very dangerous. Gregg and the Black Nobility are very clever at twisting things around. The Black Nobility attacks our spirituality, trying to divide and conquer us. When we see their tricks clearly, they are desperate. In the rest of this segment I am going to tackle the attempt to nuke Charleston SC on October 7th 2013 and to try and fire a first strike against Russia on October 1, 2015 DO YOU THINK ANYONE IN THE US MILITARY MIGHT REMEMBER THAT MAJOR GENERAL MICHAEL CARY, FORMER COMMANDER OF THE 20TH AIR FORCE, AND ALSO FORMER VICE ADMIRAL TIM GIARDINA WERE FIRED FOR REFUSING TO NUKE CHARLESTON? This is in video We are going to watch this clip again. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3PIa6… 30:02 to end at 33:00 beginning “wow” HEATHER COLE, COMMODORE OF THE NAVY’S STRATEGIC COMMUNICATIONS WING 1, WAS ARRESTED ON MARCH 16th AFTER SHE PREVENTED A FIRST NUCLEAR STRIKE AGAINST RUSSIA ? Teleprompt: https://khudes.s3.amazonaws.com/dctvt…

The Truth About The Federal Reserve, Fiat Currencies, And America’s History With World Bankers

Apr 29, 2013

1.56K subscribers

Join Dr. Daniel Daves on a journey to learn the truth about world bankers, America’s history with these bankers, and how we are being systematically milked, fleeced, and eventually destroyed by these con artists masquerading as our friends. Pharaoh’s magicians are at work in the highest levels of fraud and deception to enslave generations of people under their control. This cartoon gives a fun, energetic, and informative way of learning true history. There are a few graphic areas and some foul language in a couple areas. Get past those areas and you have a powerful video to teach your teenagers and other family members on the truth of money and currency. This video has been authorized for upload by it’s original creators at: http://www.theamericandreamfilm.com.

[NOTE: NOT all PHAROAH’S were EVIL, many were killed and CLONED after the DARK FORCES and REPTILIAN INVASION.]

The Biggest Scam In The History Of Mankind – Hidden Secrets of Money Ep 4

The Biggest Silver & Gold Scam In History


BILL GATES = AGENDA 21 = AGENDA 2030 [Depopulation Plan for Humanity]

FESIG 58thMeeting Capt Randy Cramer on Holographic Med Beds & SSP Propulsion Systems

Exposing The Illuminati Bloodlines

Rocco Galati and the lawsuit against the Bank of Canada

Tom Quiggin! The Truth is That Your Government is Lying to You! – From the expert on terrorism!

– A former senior fellow at S Rajaratnam school of International Studies at Nanyang Technological University –

Tom has 30 plus years of practical intelligence experience in a variety of positions including the

– Royal Canadian Mounted Police

– Bank of Canada

– Canadian Armed Forces

– United Nations Protection Force in Yugoslavia

– Citizenship and Immigration Canada ( War Crimes )

– International War Crimes Tribunal for former Yugoslavia ( The Hague )

– Privy Council Office Of Canada, In addition Tom was Qualified Arms Inspector for the Conventional Forces In Europe Treaty and Vienna Document – A Court Appointed Authority, Thomas Quiggin (M.A,C.D) is a Court Qualified Expert on Terrorism (Criminal Court and Federal Court) and Intelligence and Collection of Evidence in Federal Court. –

The “Quiggin Report” A Podcast about Counter Terrorism, Islamic Extremism, Freedom of Speech and The Global Intelligence Community – Operation Switch Kill Tom Quiggin is the primary contributor to the QUIGGIN REPORT which is a podcast on intelligence, free speech, extremism and terrorism. He is a court qualified expert on terrorism (criminal court and Federal Court) and has also had his expertise on intelligence and evidence recognized by the Federal Court. He spent fifteen years in the Canadian Armed Forces and worked for six years for the RCMP as an intelligence contractor. He has also worked for the Privy Council Office in an intelligence position. Other intelligence roles have included the Bank of Canada, the United Nations Protection Force in Yugoslavia, Citizenship and Immigration Canada (War Crimes) and the International War Crimes Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia (The Hague). He was the lead author on the recent book SUBMISSION: The Danger of Political Islami to Canada (With a Warning to America). It was co-authored with Saied Shoaaib, Tahir Gora, Jonathon Cotler and Rick Gill. He has also testified to a Senate Committee on intelligence matters (The Kelly Commission, 1998); the Air India Inquiry (2007) as well as providing testimony to the Special Senate Committee on Anti-terrorism (2010) and to the House of Commons on 25 March and 28 May 2015. He was a Senior Fellow at S. Rajaratnam School of International Studies at the Nanyang Technological University, Singapore where he worked on a number of intelligence research project. While there, he published a book on national security intelligence requirements. Please check out latest episodes of The Quiggin Report Podcast and leave us a review. Apple Podcasts http://itunes.apple.com/ca/podcast/qu… SoundCloud http://www.soundcloud.com/quigginreport Stitcher Radio http://www.stitcher.com/podcast/quigginreport Google Play https://play.google.com/music/m/Ijozs… Spotify https://open.spotify.com/show/2qNLS66… Connect With us. Twitter: @QuigginReport Gab.ai: @QuigginReport Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/quigginreport Help Us Fight Back http://www.OperationKillSwitch.com
