David Sorensen: Are you Longing for Real Change in this World?

David Sorensen: Are you Longing for Real Change in this World?



 -Tuesday, 25 June 2024, 10:16 AM

David Sorensen ~ Are You Longing for Real Change in this World?

June 24, 2024

Source: Golden Age of Gaia | By Suzanne Maresca

June 22, 2024, via email


We have seen unimaginable horrors in our world, that none of us could envision, not even in our most horrendous nightmares. Who on earth could believe that there is such evil in people, that they literally orchestrate a pandemic to murder millions of people and terrorize billions?

Is there even hope for our world? Yes, there is, as I have repeatedly explained. If we hang in there, don’t give up, and keep our eyes set on the better world that will emerge after this dark night, we will observe something we never thought possible.

In this inspiring post I share several visions I have received, about the world we are headed for. A world without governments that have multiple strategies to kill their own people while terrorizing, torturing and tyrannizing the survivors. A world without satanic elites that own every aspect of human society – be it education, healthcare, insurance, food, news media, finance and everything else – which they use to suppress and suffocate mankind.

We will see a world without these dark forces, a world where love, truth, goodness and joy are central to the experience of being alive.

Choose Life, Choose Truth, Choose Goodness

But we have to make a choice to enter this world, and become part of making it a reality. One critical choice is to stop being hostile and resentful towards the One and Only who is the Source of all we long for, the Giver of everything that helps us, and the Wellspring of that which restores us.

As long as we keep fighting the One who is pure love, pure light, pure life, pure truth, and pure goodness, we will always be submitted to the forces that are in every way the opposite of that.

We must make a choice to acknowledge and honor the One who gave us life as a gift, not to suffer, but to thrive and experience a well being our mind cannot even begin to comprehend at this point.

I am not talking about religion, but I am talking about pure goodness, abundant life, intense joy, indescribable love, and blazing truth.

That’s why I encourage you to watch an explosive and highly revealing interview I gave to the TV Show NOW IS THE TIME with Dr Meri Crouley. She interviews me about The Coming Move of God, that will ultimately transform everything.

https://rumble.com/embed/v50kt0f/#?secret=3d3enakefwClick the image above to watch…

We also talk about the upcoming conference in San Diego, California, where I was invited as the result of a series of divine, supernatural events that make it clear our Creator is up to something very powerful.

In the interview I reveal things that the vast majority of so called truth speakers and independent media are terrified of unveiling, because it is so shocking. But I also show how this world will be restored to become an environment of such intense happiness, there are words nor neural connections in our brain to describe or conceive it.

But we need to choose. Choose Life, choose Love, choose Truth, choose Goodness, choose Purity, and I mean the very Origin of all of this. He who gave His own life to save us from the depths of darkness, and to lift us up onto His heights of light and joy, Jesus Christ.

From operationdisclosureofficial.com

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