June 26, 2024: Wild & Wonderful Times on Planet Earth

June 26, 2024: Wild & Wonderful Times on Planet Earth

 Starship Earth: The Big Picture 

 June 26, 2024

When we grow tired of the politics, there is plenty of other interesting news. [even when it makes no sense]

Insider Paper




NEW: US to launch satellite to better prepare for space weather


US to launch satellite to better prepare for space weather

The United States is aiming Tuesday to launch a new satellite expected to significantly improve forecasts of solar flares and coronal mass ejections —

What does make sense is that Julian Assange is reported to be back in the USSA. Of course we knew he was in protective custody all along, not languishing in Belmarsh prison, but this will move the strategy along, and with it—DISCLOSURE.

The craziest news comes out of Calgary, Canada where Britain’s activist Tommy Robinson was detained, arrested, his passport seized…because he made a speech.

Rebel News




BREAKING: Ezra Levant has an emergency update on Tommy Robinson arrest after speaking event in Calgary. Rebel News has hired Calgary’s leading criminal lawyer Alain Hepner and we are working to secure his release as soon as possible. Please help fund Tommy’s lawyer in Canada:… Show more

That’s not the craziest. This is.

Mark Critch




Here’s Roy Orbison without his sunglasses on. And here’s Pierre Poillievre. Now, all I’m saying is Roy played a set at the Jubilee Auditorium in Calgary on September 27th, 1978. Nine months later Pierre Poilievre was born on June 3 1979.

Today we got news that Bolivia’s President is under siege. Shadow of Ezra posted the following:

“The CIA has completed a take over of Bolivia.

Warning: Watch Elon Musk”

Others report similar.

Troops and armored vehicles raid Bolivia’s Presidential Palace amid military coup.


Bolivia’s Arce Says Country Facing Coup as Soldiers Seize Central Square

There’s always a risk when the military are overtly involved in political moves, which is why it was handled as it was in America and other countries. The Alliance wanted to avoid civil war at all costs.

Below is Q the Storm Rider’s Telegram update on a few items. It’s all falling into place.

“CABLES >]: The FAKE BODY DOUBLE of Julian Assange was killed in London Jail in 2020 and another body Double was placed in<



The REAL CABLES>]; WIRES of Military operations had Julian Assange in protective custody ( remember Pompeo CIA director said he wanted to kill Assange and News stories broke that the U.S. Government plotted to kill Assange _trended<).. Because the CIA did go after him and did kill the body double in 2020 . Then another was placed by white hats ( they were trolling the CIA/ deep state).

     The REAL story is TRUMP’s ( w/world Associates) paid for Assanges defense .. (Trump did personally wire funds also… All this WILL come out in due time with paper trail)

      Assange was placed in protective custody this whole time.

*Remember two months ago i told you KEEP YOUR EYES ON ASSANGE > i said this because i got CABLES>] that white hats were going to make a move and free him

( the reason for this is white hats in Military intelligence got the ASSANGE KILLSWITCH

_ .*> The hundreds(/thousand) of terabytes of data connected to Hillary Clinton, pizzagate, pedophile rings connected to Epstein and ELITES> P. DIDDY> HOLLYWOOD //// ALL THE DATA TERABYTES were hidden in the Internet through certain unopened email accounts and locked chambers in the deep web,> including real software and servers of WikiLeaks that was hidden in secure banks/////

_NOW White Hats/military have FULL control of servers, software. And the Assange Internet KILLSWITCH programs<

and finished all the investigation and sealed indictments connected to ALL THE INFORMATION WIKI LEAKS HAD STORED IN KILLSWITCH OPERATIONS////


There is Major panic at the Pentagon and the CIA ,  deep state military intelligent and Washington DC ELITES as The real ASSANGE makes a Real reappearance ….

They know there is no use to kill him now because the military have all the data and servers and KILLSWITCH KEYS///

There is true panic in DC > corrupt 3 letter agencies and deep state military leaders as the KILLSWITCH HOLDS KEYS TO THE REAL EVENTS OF 911 documents and emails and phone calls connecting Bush. cheney. Clinton. CIA. DARLPA to 911 EVENTS<


_> a big part of bringing down Assange by the deep state was the cover up adrenochrome connected to clintons human trafficking John podesta pedophilia rings> Epstein>>>> Hollywood.. P Diddy and top ELITES and music executives


Now there is PANIC as the Rockefellers/ the Carnegie endowment ( CIA operators) + Elites are in desperate panic to create new laws to stop WHISTLEBLOWERS and Any accusations against the CIA and Pentagon for corruption connected to human trafficking, conspiracy and slanderous accusations ( right now the Democrats are preparing a Bill to stop Whistleblowers or EXPOSURE of podesta/ Clintons connection to pedophile rings and trafficking torture rituals> adrenochrome…

( Remember i told you months ago this was so going to come back.. And Trump also said he wanted to expose Anthony Weiner this all connected to ASSANGE AND MILITARY OPERATIONS…… This why there is complete panic inside Hollywood and top of music industry)


He also spoke of the Mexican army [cont’d below] which entered our periphery yesterday when I saw the following, which told me the US [as per the USMCA] is going to help free Mexico:

US sends 220 soldiers into Mexico

Now read what Storm Rider posted:


… But at the same time U.S. military have been hosting Mexican nationals for emergency training in Colorado mountains. Large underground bunkers near Cheyenne mountains.

     The reason white hats are secretly training thousands of Mexican nationals for war and battle is because they are being sent back to Mexico in underground.Maglev Trains //// There is panic in parts of the Patriot communities that CHEYENNE mountain has been taken over by cartels and Mexicans < this far from the TRUTH////

The REAL TRUTH is white hats are training tens of thousands of Mexicans for a revolution to over throw the Mexican government controlled by the CIA operations for over a half a century .

He concluded with the last portion, below:

I have been telling you and giving you DROPS years ago before anyone that TRUMP was going to go after certain cartels in Mexico and use the military.. Now the past months it’s reported in msm Rolling stone that Trump is going to use military
operations ( the REAL TRUTH… This has already begun… And Cheyenne mountain maglev have been shipping weapons. Trained Mexican soldiers back to Mexico)
You have more than you know dear Patriots

Military is the only way

we have been giving you the real information since 2014 on all EVENTS happening…. Thank you dear Patriots

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Calgary Bowness water main repairs which led to City Council calling for severe restrictions on water use for 5 – 8 weeks this summer

Getting back to business and politics, do you think this will be enough to prod Calgarians into deciding they need to be personally involved in running their city?

We have to end the “shots”, folks. They do far more harm than good for people of all ages and animals.

Brandon Taylor Moore




They cannot find one unvaccinated kid who is autistic.

This bird shit really stinks. Are they going to chase folks down the street to catch them and jab them? This is outrageous. They plan to shoot people up just because they were in the vicinity of someone who is “infected”??? How do they determine who is “infected”? A PCR test? If so, run away fast.

If a human infection is detected, the shot would also be administered to the person’s close contacts, officials added.

Finland to roll out vaccines for bird flu next week in world first- as human cases of virus spread across the globe

Finland to roll out vaccines for bird flu next week in world first- as human cases of virus spread across the globe

Kung Fu Master – Lina Gunawan – Fine Art America.com

The City of Phoenix and Maricopa County Arizona are still drowning in election fraud and corruption. Drain that swamp!

Maricopa County election worker arrested in theft of security keys as primary nears

The county says it now must reprogram and retest all of its security keys and machines before the July 30 election

We’re not alone, however.

Emerald Robinson 




First, there were THREE FALSE FIRE ALARMS in 3 precincts that led to evacuations on Primary Day in Virginia. Now, we’ve got drop box ballot shenanigans. Say it with me: C-H-E-A-T-I-N-G.

We, the collective Humanity have a great deal to learn about our world and the information below about the frequencies of fabrics and fibres is good stuff to have.

Textiles is my thing. From a young age I worked with, evaluated, and sought employment in retail fabrics and this chart at the link is in line with the personal preferences I have held for decades.

I hear hemp is super strong—sufficient to make building materials. Why not use it for footwear? There is more interesting info on hemp at this link.

The Frequency Of Hemp, Linen and Sustainable Fabrics For Your Health

… Continue readingThe Frequency Of Hemp, Linen and Sustainable Fabrics For Your Health

NHW – Nomads Hemp Wear


Did you know that fabrics give off different frequencies and fabrics like natural linen and wool can actually give us healing effects? While synthetic fabrics like polyester can actually give us harmful effects.

polyester has a frequency of 15 Hz, which is similar to that of a diseased or dying person. The study suggests that fabrics with a higher frequency can energize the body, while fabrics with a lower frequency can strain it.

You should also never mix fabrics, even higher frequency fabrics like wool and linen worn together will actually cancel each other out. It should come as no surprise what side of this graphic most of our clothing and bedding are made of today. It’s all about frequency and vibrations, and you are seeing a society today where this has been weaponized against us.

WOOL- 5000
LINEN- 5000

They left silk off, however. A quick search quantifies it at 15, which could be a result of the processing which involves chemicals.

Acrylic is also a synthetic that registers at 0.

It’s interesting that mixing two or more fibres means they cancel each other out = 0. The Bible told us not to do that.

When these fibres go next to the body, we want to choose wisely as much as possible.

Synthetics like polyester, nylon and spandex are basically extruded plastic. They don’t breathe, they repel moisture and attract oils. They usually lack the important qualities we seek in clothing so commonly appear as a blend with something else to provide the qualities they don’t possess = 0 frequency. Good to know.

Humans used to wear leather footwear, or in tropical climates maybe jute or grasses, but now they put rubber soles and synthetic uppers on a lot of footwear and it insulates us from the frequencies of the earth. Most of us know about the benefits of grounding or earthing, right?

There are some ideas for those wishing to create businesses that will support our health and wellbeing. Safe, healthy clothing.

Pure fabrics can be the perfect raiment if they are good quality and produced in the right ways. We have some 100% cotton shirts in our closet with a beautiful hand that come out of the dryer wrinkle-free. Cotton gauze is cool, comfy, and doesn’t need ironing if you take it immediately out of the dryer and I love pure linen and its casual drape and texture.

You can learn more here if you’re on Telegram…

Baby Eli

So, when is wake-up time? Rose of Yellow Rose for Texas told us years ago that most of us are in stasis and awaiting the wakeup call. Others have told us that regardless of how awake we believe we are, we are not awake and far from it. This could be why. I continue to feel like we’re waiting for something, and stalling as we pass the time. Perhaps the knowledge and information is as important as we were told; that we need a full education in order to ascend.





There are 200+ million souls from other worlds currently incarnated as humans. Some are simultaneously active on crafts, but most are asleep inside “Light Chambers”. Starseeds will experience the Shift as humans and eventually will return to awaken inside their Light Chamber.

That may give you something to ruminate on for a bit. Happy Hump Day and see you next time.  ~ BP

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