Zorra of Hollow Earth Call Today at 12 PM EDT 10-19-19

Zorra of Hollow Earth Call Today at 12 PM EDT 10-19-19


“Focus only on the Good and Positive and that “Will” be your reality. New Earth and Full 5D are in the Making NOW!”

“Zorra Call”


October 19, 2019

9:00 AM Pacific
10:00 AM Mountain
11:00 AM Central
12:00 PM Eastern

Website and for Replays:

Guest Call In:
516-418-5563 and press 1 if you have a question.

Dear beloved Goddesses and Gods,

Welcome beautiful Family! First of all, I, Jane/Quazar would like to apologize for the poor volume on Wednesday’s Blogtalkshow. That is now fixed so no more problems…will not use the same ear buds again. A number of you texted me so thank you for the heads up. It was not a complete flop because Zaraya and Zorra were wonderfully heard and that mattered!!

This Saturday, we will first hear from beloved Jared Rand. He has a special message and request. Then we will introduce a truly kind, visionary and innovative person, Byron Belka, CEO of Rain International. You will hear his story and how he came to bring the First Category Seed Products to the World! Come listen and learn of the history and how nutritious and magical the products are in their natural healing properties for the entire body. He will also introduce “two” new products and one is especially formulated to help with weight loss!!!

We know as well, that Zorra will grace us with his presence and his messages/information for the day!

See all of you Saturday. It will be a fabulous call!

What a wondrous, glorious and loving day!!

Love to All,

Zorra, Saraiya, Billie and Jane
Website: https://zorraofhollowearth.com


This entry was posted in * AGE - OF - AQUARIUS, * End GAME - GOOD vs EVIL, * HEALING NEW METHODS, * HEALTHY HUMANITY, * HOLLOW EARTH Network, Break-out of THE MATRIX, CREATE what you want, CREATION AWARENESS, Creative VISUALIZATION, Hidden Evil Invader Species, JANE & QUAZAR, LIGHT ENERGY HEALING, RV GCR Currency Reset, SARAIYA, ZARAYA - Billie Woodard. Bookmark the permalink.

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