(Reader | Thomas Anderson) Angela Merkel has Coronavirus Sunday, March 22, 2020

(Reader | Thomas Anderson) Angela Merkel has Coronavirus

Reader Post | Thomas Anderson Dear Readers, Just now in the German news: Merkel is in quarantine in her house with Corona. She “had c…

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Reader Post | Thomas Anderson

Dear Readers,

Just now in the German news: Merkel is in quarantine in her house with Corona.

She “had contact with an infected person”.


If Merkel has Corona and she obviously was in contact with all of the German government, then sooner or later ALL the German government will stay at home in quarantine “due to Corona infection”

That will pave the way for a “rescue operation” of the SHAEF Forces, who are “coincidentally” in Germany and can take over the governmental duties.

This will then probably lead to a restoration of a real German state.

Please read my essay about the legal situation of Germany if you want to know more.


It is happening right now before our eyes!



And: I had again a blue sky here.

NO chemtrails at all!!!!!

Please report, if you also had a blue sky!!!!!!!!!

And for all who want to know more about the history of this Planet, the Secret Space programs and more…

World Conspiracy in English language (ebook/paperback)

In German language (only paperback):

Space Conspiracy in English language (ebook/paperback)

And in German (only paperback):


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