Message from the Arcturians: We Say this with Love

Message from the Arcturians: We Say this with Love

Posted on  by EraOfLight — 5 Comments ↓

Received by Conversations with Heaven on Earth | Book: We Say this with Love | Emailed to

Yes, yes, yes, yes. We’re here, we’re here, we’re here, we’re here, and once again we are happy to be able to support you and give you the information that you seek. This is a very valid question that has been posed to us today, which is “When you shift and merge back into your higher dimensional selves, how will that look in reference to shifting to the New Earth versus someone who just merges out of the carbon-based body and becomes evolved towards going to the New Earth, as their singularity, soul expression, essence, energy frequency of having a life on New Earth”.

We say this is marvelous, because you’re starting to think about all of the opportunities that a soul has. When some of you are told in your sessions you have other things to do, versus going to New Earth, that means you get absorbed back into your higher energy being, and therefore you have got other things to do, because you are not wanting to have the experience of the New Earth. You do not need it. You have other skill sets and priorities that take precedence over having an experience of being in a fifth dimensional frequency, where you’re learning how to manipulate and maneuver and create things from energy. This is a beautiful and wonderful journey and experience for those souls who have not yet experienced the fifth dimension, and they are looking forward to this. They are well overdue from graduating, but as you can understand, the original Soul essences who have only had physical lifetimes here on Earth, as we could say to you in this transmission today and labeled “the Earthlings”. These Earthlings are only consciously physically aware of their lifetimes being on Earth. They have been observing through their higher selves and their other aspects of self, but their first and only ever physical lifetimes have been here on Earth. Therefore these Earthlings are wanting to have the physical and conscious experiences of living in the third dimension, which was to be and always was supposed to be evolving into the fifth dimension. This was the whole original plan of what we had planned and hoped for this experiment, for this experience of Earth and being here now. So while it has taken many more, many more lifetimes to be able to get to this point, where you’re so close to your evolutionary shift, for the Earthlings, they have absolutely mastered all experiences in their dimensions, all of the emotional experiences. They have done it all and this is a particularly hard 3D experience, because the highs are very high and the lows are very low, and the reference point is still in the parameters of the third dimensional experience, feeling the full range of emotions. Unfortunately, the scale range of those energy frequencies that have been more in tune with the density of the traumas and dramas, as other humans are wanting to flex their own independent free will to create financial abundance to themselves and their corporations and to their families, by producing and manufacturing disharmony, disbalance, and wars, as you could say.

There has been so much corruption, all truly in the focus and the agenda to create money and to create control. This is so off balance and not in harmony with how this game of life that we had planned for all to have experienced. Of course, all experiments were honored. These are the experiences of Earth that are significant, because when you fully mastered this at a conscious collective level, it does not need to be repeated. Therefore, we have watched our soul family fight each other, kill each other, hate each other, manipulate each other, lie to each other, compete against each other, fight against each other – this is not something we want to feel into emotionally, because it is so dense. We know that you could label it as the darkness that is being plagued on your planet and your human experiences. The history of what you’ve done for each other and to each other, while under the name of being human, was astounding. Completely foreign from what you naturally and what we naturally were raised to be.

So it is quite extraordinary, these games. The experiment of Earth was supposed to be an empowering place, where souls got to evolve organically and naturally, evolve into a higher frequency energy field. You can understand that would have been profound and amazing. We always had hope and hope and hope and hope and hope and hope and hope and hope and hope and hope and hope… that this would be able to motivate you all to step up and empower yourselves and empower others to love themselves. To be able to find the unities within their communities while seeing no exclusions and only inclusions of love for all and always.



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