From 3D To 4D And 5D: Milking

From 3D To 4D And 5D: Milking

Posted on  by EraOfLight — 8 Comments ↓

By Lev | Source

Let’s not be under any illusions: the 3D System and Power Pyramid will fight to the last, even are doomed, for saving their animal farm and dairy cattle, meaning all earthlings. After Darks invasion of Earth, causing the pain was the main tool to syphon the vital energy for them. They quickly realized that couldn’t survive by feeding the life power of animals during sacrifices. The amount of pain should be enormous, and the animals almost don’t suffer. In dying, they only feel the physical pain that parasites tried to consume. But it turned out that it wasn’t suitable as food. They need entirely different suffering. What kind of?

Pain is just pain, and suffering is pain about pain. Physical distress can’t be too strong, limited by biological protection. But the suffering, produced by our mind and Soul, as subtle energy, is much richer and can be endless. It’s a unique product of a sentient being person who can produce it in infinite quantities. Therefore, the rulers of 3D Earth quickly moved from the ritual killing of animals to mass human sacrifices. From now on, we became their food.

Over the millennia, the milking technologies were constantly upgraded – from wars and epidemics, to artificial disasters and rapid wear and tear of people. Everything caused enormous suffering. Nowadays, a vastest array of sophisticated know-how every minute aggravates our sorrow and everyone’s bad mood around us. This non-stop conveyor is the main workplace of humanity, and matched life forces’ syphoning is an ideal method.

This is the essence of the achievements of the 3D System and its Power Pyramid, which conducted hundreds psy, political and social experiments. The most brutal totalitarian societies were built to produce more suffering. But this option also proved to be inefficient. It was replaced by the complete freedom of all from everything human, and by a more advanced high-tech, based on MK and emotions’ run.

The human brain goes through cycles of joy and suffering very quickly. We can be cut up not once or twice a day, but several times a minute. Darks knew this, but for a long time, couldn’t understand how to reach it in needed scale. They can’t ignite war every half hour, even if want to. The man’s inner dialogue is limited. It’s difficult to make us remember every five seconds that we are losers, that we don’t have money and any future, although the best minds of the System are working on this.

They solved the problem by entertainment industry, which allowed steering man’s mind through cycles of joy and suffering as often as possible, dragging in all the strength and depth of our emotions. Video games, movies, Internet, socials, news, porn hubs – the list is constantly growing… Any of these realities is like a dream, where joy and suffering alternate at fastest speed.

The movie’s or game’s character, in which we turn into, doesn’t eat, doesn’t sleep, and doesn’t bother of every day and world issues. We don’t have to live a long life to throw the highest possible emotions’ jet into space at the moment of death. Now, we are in near-death state many times an hour, and die every minute, continuously radiating suffering.

Yes, in video games, man seeks pleasure, and not suffering. That’s the trick. He doesn’t suspect that their main content is frustration, which the System does not advertise. It perfectly knows that the player enjoys his invulnerability, seeing the danger, to which the virtual hero is exposed in an artificial world. Our brain can’t work not meaning it. On conscious level, we aware that are playing a console shooter. But every time the controller shudders in our hands, and the screen is covered with painted blood, part of us, and a very significant one, is ready to die in earnest.

Any game smooths out and masks the suffering, which is hidden under a thin layer of pleasure. Unpleasant emotions are a necessary ingredient in any game. The satisfaction we feel is connected with overcoming them. And the parasites get more food by keeping a person in front of a video game console for a month than by sending him to the Gaza Strip once. Instead of a real fight, where man will die one hundred percent, the System runs him through a hundred virtual fights, and in each, his mind dies, conditionally, by two percent. But the total amount of released suffering increases many times.

Why do we enjoy video games? In fact, we don’t get pleasure, but frustration and anxiety, at best – indifference. But we still have a false memory of the felt pleasure. That’s why most console games don’t have instant saves. It forces us to repeat the same route to the checkpoint many times. This is done precisely to maximize the vital food to parasites. For the same reason, the mission time is limited, forcing to complete it in five minutes and not a second more. So, with the help of one page of code, we are milked dry not once, but twenty times in a row. The art of writing games is precisely to increase the amount of released suffering, and not throw the controller for as long as possible. It’s a science… A good slave will always pass the game at the hard level.

Informational fodder created a new type of nutrient environment into which the System immerses us from birth. All kinds of sensory stimulation compel our mind and Soul to produce emotions that are so necessary for Darks. There is no difference between games, movies, TV, Internet and everything else. The same arousal patterns await us everywhere. The interactivity of most games is false. The console game is just a hand-drawn movie, divided into portions. For the new part to start, we have to press the required key combination at the right speed, and that’s it. The main things are identification with and complete dissolving in the virtual hero, who bleeds and suffers, but fights against enemies.

The torment of the moviegoer is not so intense. An intelligent viewer is especially tormented by understanding that everything in film is only a cold math. The plot is built around the hero, who must overcome difficulties. That is a must in all manuals on screenwriting. The character is not fighting because he has problems. He has problems because decided to fight. When an intelligent person realizes that movie’s storyline is just a mechanical stimulation of his emotions with a light milking machine, he experiences inexpressible suffering from the inhumanity of the world. That seems to be a trifle, but gives a huge amount of milk. This is how the System siphons the smartest much more intensely.

It’s the same with the news. For example, we got tired of the movie and switched the TV to the latest updates. And we see that FX rate has changed in the most fatal way, workers died in the flooded mine, pedophiles abused children, and banks stole the money from everyone… There is no good news at all, as they don’t sell well and therefore don’t bring ad’s revenue. Entire national and global media are het-up on hype, instability and insecurity. The whole world is fickle and causes enormous suffering. One inevitably leads to another. Even when suffering is disguised as pleasure that someone else is feeling bad today…

In this sense, the Internet is the most valuable milking tool. We always go online with the anticipation that now will catch something precious, interesting and absolutely necessary from the information ocean. After three or four hours, we get up from the monitor with the feeling that a herd of pigs has swept through our Soul. We swear to selves that will never waste time on this garbage dump again. And tomorrow repeat the same thing.

It can’t be any other way. The Internet is a cosmos of games, movies and news. The black sky, dotted with kinescopes. We move from one star to another and each time rush to the promising maximum pleasure. This is the psychology of Internet surfing – constant search for the greatest bliss. But at the end, it produces not drive, but suffering. A man, engaged in electronic masturbation, very soon begins to run around his personal space in circles. He looks like a rat who hopes to get a stimulating impulse, but constantly shrinks from an electric shock, remembering that he has no money, no prospects, or even time for this surfing. The entire Internet is thickly dotted with markers reminding about this. Thus, the System always wins. Its information feed is not only absolutely homogeneous, but also flawlessly fractal.

Many people don’t notice this inhumanity. No one objects. On the contrary, men buy small portable milking machines-smartphones, not disconnecting from them for a second. And pay whole lot of money for it. They dutifully copy patterns of behavior invented by marketers to get more milk from gadgets addicts. Buried in them, we are happy and consider selves free, thinking that at any moment can choose content and our route from point A to point B, although, in fact, this freedom doesn’t exists.

The System is vitally interested to lock us in stall forever, plunging everyone into a golden dream full of entertainment and eroticism with a slight, almost imperceptible frustration. Today, sex content has taken up most of the network traffic and its volume is constantly growing. Millions of porn users spend their days and nights boiling themselves on a hot stove, which they turn on under their ass. They deceive their brains by showering the heat of lust on electronic receivers and antennas aimed at them, and pump the vibrations of own lives into a bottomless black hole, not seeing the parasites, who milk them on the bed of perverted passion.

This is the 3D System. To it, we’re just brainless sheep. Someone cuts our hair, someone eats our meat, and someone collects our bones. But exclusive delicacy is adrenochrom, received by torturing kids, sold or abducted all over the globe. On this drug sits entire power elite. It convinces us that we don’t deserve another. That we’re just statistics, churned up by random number generators. Statistics, which lives in fear and hope that is not noticed by the System. But the System doesn’t need it, because makes us what we are.

Everything is simple. We are born as a clean flash drive, and the System instantly records fragments of its cultural code on us. Many no longer have any words of the Almighty, or even a concept of it. Splashes of shit from the world fan became our control program and determine all our thoughts, feelings and actions. And accordingly, we’ll be pardoned, rewarded or executed. Power Pyramid pours its festering thousand-year-old poison into us, making guilty before the one who stuff it deeply in our Soul. And if we are guilty, what can we demand? There are no villains or perverts, only scripts obediently working out one line of code after another. The System sees us as just executable operators, and no more. It is confident that we are zombifyed till death. Are we?



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In “Awake”

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