Wasn’t sure weather to say anything earlier as I wanted to give them some time. Apparently the MASS ARRESTS started at the end of APRIL and the BEGINNING of MAY this year. I was ASKED to hold this back for awhile so = I DID !

These EVIL disgusting defiant SHITS from hell will be hunted DOWN like the criminal = MONSTERS they are. EVERYDAY I PRAY for our BENEVOLENT MILITARIES, PATRIOTS etc. that THEY ARE SAFE as they BRING DOWN the SCUM of EARTH.

I also do a general prayer for all beings that are going through it right now.

THE CREATORS -are – PISSED after the TEXAS incident and they are NOT happy with what happened in HAWAII and parts of the west in CANADA. I heard that PUNISHMENT will come about !

I was laughing with them yesterday – THE CREATORS – as the MORONS attacked my little FAN in my ROOM. THE CABAL morons act like friggin 5 years old. They were pushing the buttons on my fan to turn it down like a bunch of psychos. MESSING with MY PEACE = invites the CREATORS in !

I have had it with you CABAL idiots and IF I was trained and had a GUN I would come after you evil basturds myself.

Honestly – I have never shot a GUN before – the most I have done is FISHED. I miss FISHING and I would like to try GOLF again sometime, sounds like FUN> = FUN what the heck is that – been awhile.

SOURCE told me that THIS is NOT MY FIGHT, it’s the CREATORS FIGHT !

THE CABAL wants me to fight ? I will still be posting when I am asked to – BY the CREATORS

TRUDEAU, IF he has been arrested and he is a clone put in to wake people up, like clone # 6. IF he is still alive my guess is it is NOT going to be much longer.

LET GO of your KARMIC relationships LIGHT BEINGS as this is the YEAR to do it. I already HAD to do it as it was the LAST of my HEALING. WHEN you let go of the old and KARMICS you set yourself up for your own spiritual = soul teams to come to you – etc.

Remember that the evil forces stole the REINCARNATION CYCLES and placed some of us in KARMIC families in order to tear us down and destroy. Some members of our families made deals with the SATANIC – enemies to take us out. DON’T go all paranoid – GOD has got you o.k. I hold NO emotions and NEED ZERO CLOSURE for my past or KARMICS that tried to RUIN me, OVER IT !

DON’T worry WE the LIGHT took back the reincarnation cycle – years ago. It’s ALL GOOD

I put up boundaries around myself for a reason, NOT a season. For what I will not tolerate etc.

Just KNOW that the idiots that talk negative about you – GOD has PLACED extra HURDLES for them – to climb to the PROSPERITY ladder for themselves.

GOSSIP is POISON to your bank balance. = LEARN it ![Unless it’s the cabal !]

LOVE to others without judgement or gossip helps your bank = EARN IT !

Look at it this way – LIGHT BEINGS = LOOK forward to new and KIND relationships instead of those that feel that THEY have to put up with you. RIGHT. YOU ARE AMAZING and your soul teams & tribes – know this too. Yes it is real easy to overthink things = been there and done that before !

Go where YOU are appreciated NOT tolerated. DO NOT overthink stuff just go with the flow. IF things get to hard to handle emotionally – give it all to GOD ! Ask him/her to take it from you and help you to HEAL = INNER HEALING is the best

YOU know energies by NOW – so use YOUR FEELERS before YOU enter

I do NOT intimidate or PANIC easy so your tactics SUCK cabal.

GOD SPEED everyone and ARREST the CABAL idiots



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