Rats Jumping Ship?? Klaus Schwab, Jamie Dimon and the Chairman of the FDIC Announce They Are Stepping Down

Rats Jumping Ship?? Klaus Schwab, Jamie Dimon and the Chairman of the FDIC Announce They Are Stepping Down

Posted By: NightSky
Date: Wednesday, 22-May-2024 17:23:43

Isn’t it awful funny that these men are suddenly resigning one after the other. Some of the Royals are no longer making public appearances, either. Is something coming our way (while they hide underground or off world) or is the house of cards coming down, and they don’t want to be ‘in charge’ (in the history books) when it does. This way they can blame others for the fall.~NightSky~~~~~~~~~~~~~Klaus Schwab, the 86-year old founder and executive chairman of the World Economic Forum (WEF), announced his decision to step down from the globalist platform that is a driver for ‘The Great Reset’, the plan for totalitarian control, the commoditization of nature such [air and water], and a massive wealth transfer. Schwab’s children have been appointed to high-ranking positions and his wife Hilde heads the organization’s foundation and awards ceremonies in Davos.Jamie Dimon, the 68-year old CEO of JPMorgan said that the search is on for his successor and that he will step down soon. Martin Gruenberg, the 71-year old chairman of the FDIC, has resigned over accusations of a toxic environment due to misogyny and sexual harassment in the FDIC workplace that employs 6,000 people. The FDIC has bigger problems: we previously reported that it holds a mere $121.8 billion in reserves to cover over $17 trillion in deposits [$10 trillion of that amount is held in deposits with a total less than $250,000]. In addition, 1.170 CEOs stepped down in 2023.John WIlliams makes some startling predictions about massive disruption, banking and digital currency.

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