May 22, 2024: What a Planetary War Looks Like [videos]

May 22, 2024: What a Planetary War Looks Like [videos]

 Starship Earth: The Big Picture 

 May 22, 2024

We’re trapped in a holographic world that gets more bizarre by the hour. We never know what to expect.

What a hump day it’s been—beginning with the news of an AT&T nationwide cellular outage in the small hours.

Then there was a lockdown at the Republican National Committee headquarters in Washington, DC. Reports bandied about phrases like, “white powder” and “vials of blood” and Fox was reporting what they could dig up. It seemed to be a very odd situation, designed to be sensational, perhaps a distraction or a coverup for what really transpired there. Like arrests?

Let’s not omit the fact that the deep state wanted Trump killed, according to documents. Fortunately, the FBI raid at Mar-a-Lago didn’t go as planned.





The FBI didn’t want to raid President Trump’s house, but AG Merrick Garland overruled them By doing this, Garland authorized the use of deadly force He knew exactly what he was doing He wanted a shootout in Mar a Lago This psycho belongs in prison

We learned that Dan Scavino Jr. led us to Qwant, the browser/search engine and now the logo has become what looks a lot like a Q+.  Qincidence?

[This psycho belongs in prison]



May 22, 2024




Anyone else seeing strange stuff happening like this?






Wanted to bring this to your attention. A while back Scavino was pushing the private browser Qwant, which has been my default browser for a while. I noticed their icon badge changed to this recently

The crew pointed to the following video from Nyla Nguyen and the segment on the sun I found of particular interest because I have wondered about what I see and experience in that regard.

You may or may not recall last summer, in June, they say it got ridiculously hot here in Phoenix and that global warming is a problem; they quoted airport temperatures for the entire valley which are much higher than is typical in my yard, and our plants and trees suffered terribly and I didn’t know why. When you walk by shrubs that have been “burned” to a crisp on one side or the top when it has never happened before, something is amiss. Now they are telling us air conditioning rates are going way up. There’s a shocker.

Nyla brings us reports saying this year animals are responding to sunshine oddly and spending more time in the shade. That is exactly what Eli has been doing. On our walks, even when it isn’t hot, he keeps stopping in the shady spots and several times has laid down on the sidewalk like he’s too hot or tired to go on. He’s not even two and a half yet. It’s not like he’s an old man who needs a rest. He never did that last year.

A sun simulator under Google patent doesn’t sound very “natural” to me, but probably works in our fake construct.

We have heard that the dark has technology that can be used to “fry” us, whether it’s similar to the microwave technology or HAARP. lasers, or something else. We’ve seen the sizzling effects of something in Lahaina Maui, California, and other places. Is it a “sun simulator” they have in place which they have weaponized? What went on during the April 8 eclipse?

Nyla talks about the sun and other topics in this update. 50 min.

What are you expecting? Are you ready?


This, below, is a discussion that defies description. I loved it. SG Anon hosts Brad Wozny whom you may have seen at the US/OZ/Canada round table updates with Capt. Kyle. The extra attraction is attorney Leigh Dundas, another warrior. I won’t spoil it by saying any more. It blew me away. 58 min.

(5/21/2024) | SG Sits Down w/ Persona Non Grata Brad Wozny and Attorney Leigh Dundas to Talk Human Rights

The weather is going to figure prominently in the coming weeks and months, I reckon.

Comms. HAARP was briefly shutdown. However reactivated to attack RedStates in America. Texas with its storms and Florida with its ongoing drought.

Link to Telegram

In2ThinAir tells us the temperature of the Atlantic is much higher than normal [gee, how’d that happen?] which will spawn even bigger and more devastating storms. Great. More weather wars.

This, below, is a discussion that defies description. I loved it. SG Anon hosts Brad Wozny whom you may have seen at the US/OZ/Canada round table updates with Capt. Kyle. The extra attraction is attorney Leigh Dundas, another warrior. I won’t spoil it by saying any more. It blew me away. 58 min.

(5/21/2024) | SG Sits Down w/ Persona Non Grata Brad Wozny and Attorney Leigh Dundas to Talk Human Rights

The weather is going to figure prominently in the coming weeks and months, I reckon.

Comms. HAARP was briefly shutdown. However reactivated to attack RedStates in America. Texas with its storms and Florida with its ongoing drought.

Link to Telegram

In2ThinAir tells us the temperature of the Atlantic is much higher than normal [gee, how’d that happen?] which will spawn even bigger and more devastating storms. Great. More weather wars.

This was supposed to go with yesterday’s news that the International Criminal Court is seeking arrest warrants for Netanyahu and Sinwar. [Yaya and Yahu]. Ariel suggests that the ones NOT talking about the arrests are suspect. See the partial list below in his Tweet/X post.





🚨RECORD Atlantic Ocean HEAT Ahead of 2024 Atlantic Hurricane Season! 👉The LAST time we say Atlantic Ocean heat like this was 2005! AND THIS IS EVEN WARMER! 👉I’ve been warning since the WINTER that the Antarctica anomaly and other Weather enhancing tech is the reason for… Show more

Alex Collier did an interesting talk which I’ve had on the back burner for awhile. It’s time. 10 min.

SHOCKING! ETs Advise White Hats to Blind the Population – Alex Collier Reveals All!

This might be an example of the “real” world people like to think we live in. Our construct is so manipulated and controlled it’s astonishing, and probably why no one talks about what it’s really like. Some are comfortable thinking it’s a globe like NASA shows us. Others feel the flat model is acceptable and probable. I suspect it’s neither and so far beyond what people are prepared to accept that no one dares speak of it. We’ll find out one day.

Mr. MBB brings us an example of the crazy stuff going on in our skies.

Crazy! Woman captures surreal image of eye in the clouds before Houston storm!

They’re trying hard, people. Will America allow them to flood the election with mail-in ballots? It really wouldn’t matter, because the genuine ballots have watermarks, but they’ll try to get a scamdemic going again if they can. The result is up to us. Let’s hope the normies learned something over the past few years about Government mandates and compromised doctors.

Aussie egg farm at Meredith in Victoria goes into lockdown over fears bird flu discovery is the strain causing mass poultry deaths around the world

That will do it for today. Can’t wait to see what happens between now and tomorrow at press time. Ciao for now.  ~ BP

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