May 23, 2024: Transmissions from the Simulation [videos]

May 23, 2024: Transmissions from the Simulation [videos]

 Starship Earth: The Big Picture 

 May 23, 2024

This was a surprising headline to see this morning. More capitulation? Do we trust them? Or is this something that happened some time ago? Hopefully the military has been purged by now. There certainly are a lot of military aircraft in the air every day, from so many countries flying to other countries. It’s a world-wide operation.

Biden “Black Hats” Switch Sides, Ask Gen. Smith for Mercy

A U.S. Army colonel who pledged allegiance to illegitimate pResident Joseph Biden in 2021 is now repentant and asking White Hat leadership to forgive his indiscretion, a source in General Eric M. Smith’s office told Real Raw News. On May 17, Colonel Ryan Kendall, commander of the 12th Aviation Brigade, Katterbach Kaserne, Germany, sent a … Continue readingBiden “Black Hats” Switch Sides, Ask Gen. Smith for Mercy

Real Raw News

It’s all about the military today. There are traitors EVERYWHERE; embedded, infiltrating everything.

OMG: BREAKING: O’Keefe Media Group Drops Undercover Video of DEI Conspiracy in US Air Force

There is nothing these demonic monsters wouldn’t do.





Fluoride And Kids… The US government was recently forced to release a suppressed May 2022 report on the effects of fluoride on kids. The report concluded fluoride can cause neurological damage in children. 🤬

From the woo-woo files… but let’s put a caveat on that terminology because like the “conspiracy theories”, what was once woo-woo is slowly proving to be reality, and not just conjecture. The truth is “out there”, as they say. A portion of it is too out there for many people but if you have an open mind and think logically—expand your thinking, as Q recommended—you might find you wish you’d thought of it earlier.

Further to our discussion about the artificial sun and what really happened during the eclipse, if you didn’t read it before when I linked to it, you might find some dots to connect in this Twitter/X post.

Notice that the writer refers to where we are [Earth] as “the simulation”. Below is an excerpt from the full post on X linked above.

If someone wants to shut off these messages and higher frequency to block the current transition of this operating plane and this final group of beings given the chance to move higher within the time matrix, as your captors have done successfully now 26x, then shutting down the wave portal and replacing the light with artificial illumination would be a very good way of successfully blocking the shift for the 27th time.

With that said, this shift is going to happen, regardless of what the invader races do this time, because it is being backed by the collective of Prime Creator and no longer up for manipulation.

As I’ve mentioned, this is the last ascension cycle that will ever happen within the Gaia time matrix and Tara earth is being personally protected by not only the aether itself this time, but by hundreds of thousands of warships parked next to the sun to assure her safety to deliver her without question to the next density where she will host dimensions 4-6.

So, despite the simulations, flat or round Earth theories, fake suns, and the repeated attempts by the dark to prevent our ascension, Nothing Can Stop What Is Coming. There will be no 27th time. Hallelujah!

It’s information like the above that makes music twig every now and then, and a recent listen to the Moody Blues’ “The Voice” grabbed my attention in a big way and had me asking, “What did he just say?”

I don’t know what Justin Hayward intended when he wrote this song, but it seems scripted just for us with references to storm, waves, falling, future and past, spirit, voice within…

Humanity has fallen, and the degradation of our society has been in plain view for the past several years. It can’t get any worse, or any lower. We’ve hit rock bottom. We need to “learn the Golden Rule” again.

Justin wrote, “How many times will it be this way?” and I thought of all the failed attempts at ascension, when just at the point we believed we would vanquish the dark and win the war, we lost again and were destined to reincarnate in this hell for an indeterminate length of time. Many have made promises and taken vows to serve the Light and our Creator and refused to be tempted by the devil. Many also broke those and betrayed us.

What got my attention the first time and forced me to look and listen more closely to “The Voice” was:

“With your arms around the future and your back up against the past”. It gave me chills and I felt like it had to be about our plight to seize the future we deserve [ascension] because of the evil and their grip on Humanity for an eternity already. There is no turning back. We have to break free this time or perish as a civilization. Our collective back is against the wall.

I put a video with the lyrics below, and also offer this link to a live version at the Red Rocks concert in Denver, Colorado in 1992, in case you’re interested. Justin is very serious on stage with lead vocals and lead guitar to manage, but he loves performing so much that at 78 years of age, he is still currently on tour and creating new material. He’ll be in Phoenix on June 25.

The lyric version of “The Voice” comes along with images of antiquities, auroras and images from the cosmos, which I thought most appropriate for today’s current events and subject matter as they connect the past with the future. It just feels right. If you aren’t already there, I hope this dialogue will convince you that the one the voice is calling is YOU, and maybe this music will speak to you as it did me with a 5:5.

I might add that the Moody Blues did a concept album called, “Days of Future Passed” which is an anomalous title but perhaps we have a little more perspective now than we did then. Q often wrote “future proves past”. Drop #520 contains that phrase twice.

Today this appeared on Telegram:

Future proves past. Don’t miss this clip. We show you, definitely, that the White Hats setup the entire Mar-A-Lago raid in August of 2022.

With the news that came out this week about the FBI “staging evidence” and using “shoot to kill” orders for the “raid”, this will really close the loop and show you all who’s pulling the strings.

🔗 Full Podcast

Nothing is what it seems, folks. Relax and enjoy the show. It’s the best advice.

Incriminating video came out recently involving the fall of Building 7 in the World Trade Center complex. You can see the explosions when the planted devices go off; possibly thermite. Building 7 didn’t implode itself.





Truth coming out

Commander-in-Chief Trump is holding another rally today—in The Bronx, New York—and the reception has been marvelous. The streets are rivers of red and massive Trump banners.

You’d never know it by the headlines from the out-of-touch lamestream media.

Trump’s Bronx visit takes him to a place devastated by his ignorance and cruelty

Trump’s New York City campaign stops, designed to play up his purported nonwhite support, are taking him to communities his own policies have damaged.

Pfffffffff. What a bunch of blather. We know who damaged New York. If things didn’t get fixed in the past few years while Biden has been in office, how can it be Trump’s fault? If the crowd is chanting, “We love Trump” I doubt they feel he damaged their relationship. South Bronx is now MAGA country.

You can see first hand how the predominantly “nonwhite” population of The Bronx feels about President Trump if you tune in to the coverage from Right Side Broadcasting. I like Trump’s new, shorter haircut.

LIVE: President Trump Visits the South Bronx in New York – 5/23/24

Just now Trump is telling great stories about New York and the Montréal Canadiennes because they taught him how to build a proper ice rink. He’s talking about “MAGAnomics”. That rally is a great way to kick off a long weekend.

We wish everyone a safe and enjoyable Memorial Day, Victoria Day, and May 2-4 weekend. Enjoy your three days off if you have them.

Keep the hailing frequencies open and we’ll be back soon. End of transmission.  ~ BP

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